Your Name (required)
Your Email (required)
Date of the event:
Will this be a hybrid event (in-person attendees + remote attendees) or completely virtual? Virtual EventHybrid EventLive EventOther
If Hybrid, Venue, City, and State:
How many rooms/presenters for the event?:
If you are virtual only, how many sessions total:
Are you wanting to Live Stream only, Live Stream and On-Demand, or On-Demand only:
If live streaming, how many hours total:
If live streaming, how many anticipated viewers for the stream(s) (this can be your best guestimate):
If live streaming, would you like a local camera crew for one or more presenters:
Would you like a local camera crew for one or more presenters:
Will you need us to host the On-Demand content for viewing: YesNoMaybe
Do you need MP4 files of the content at the conclusion of the conference?: YesNoNot Sure
Do you need a custom portal, microsite, delivery website, for the content: YesNoMaybe
Do you need us to handle registration: YesNoMaybe
Any additional information you have that may influence the proposal: